Whats is your Zodiac Sign & Flower?

Flowers & Astrology

Astrology is any of several traditions or systems in which knowledge of the apparent positions of celestial bodies is held to be useful in understanding, interpreting, and organizing knowledge about reality and human existence on earth. Many of those who practice astrology believe the positions of certain celestial bodies either influence or correlate with people´s personality traits, important events in their lives, and even physical characteristics.

Astrology is a very controversial subject. Some astrologers argue that astrology works by a mechanism that is yet unknown to science and that it is validated by their personal experience when applied in real life cases.

Leaving the controversies aside, it has been proved that a majority of the world´s inhabitants do follow Astrology in their day-to-day life. Astrology interprets many things in ones routine to the stars in which one is born into. So also Flowers & Astrology. Specific flowers are found to have appealing to those who belong to an astrological sign. So, it is obligatory to know what flowers to be gifted to our beloved ones with respect to the their zodiac sign since the appeal to flowers and benevolence of flowers to their zodiac sign differs.

Zodiac Signs And Flowers
Sign Birth Flower Flowers & Plants Suited For Your Sign
Aries Thistle & Honeysuckle Flowers Opuntia cactus (prickly pear), celosia (cockscomb), thorn-bearing shrubs, red roses, tulips, red peppers, amaryllis flowers
Taurus Rose, Poppy & Foxglove Flowers Scented stock, fruit-bearing trees, lavender, lilac, aster, lily of the valley, sweet pea flowers
Gemini Lavendar & Lily of the Valley Flowers Solanum (Winter cherries), ranunculus, maidenhairfern (Addiantum), solidago (goldenrod), acacia (mimosa, wattle), daffodil, nut-bearing trees, cactus
Cancer White Flowers, especially Rose Flowers Cornflower (Centaureacyanus), Ammi (QueenAnne’slace), delphinium, ferns, plumbago, passionflower, hydrangea, irisflowers
Leo Marigold & Sunflower Safflower (Carthamus), croton, Joseph’s coat (Codiaeum), marigold, gerbera, crocosmia, dahlia, clivia, sunflower
Virgo Bright small flowere.g.Buttercup Monkshood (Aconitum), hypericum (St John’s wort), chrysanthemum, eucalyptus, veronica, violet, ivy, thistle flowers
Libra Bluebells & large Rose Flowers Chincherinchee (Ornithogalum), Moluccella (bells of Ireland), Cymbidium orchid, gardenia, tea roses, tuberose, freesia, gladiolus flowers
Scorpio Dark red flowerse.g.Geraniumsredhot poker (Kniphofia),hibiscus,peony,cactus,anthuriumflowers
Sagittarius Carnation Flowers Eremurus (foxtail lily), eustoma (lisianthus), Liatris (blazing star), carnation, crocus, muscari, berried plants, allium flowers
Capricorn Pansy & Ivy Flowers Statice, holly, African violet, ivy, philodendron, kentia palm, snowdrop, jasmine flowers
Aquarius Orchid Flowers Eryngium (sea holly), arum lily (Zantedeschia), bird of paradise (Strelitzia), pitcher plant (Sarracenia), banksia, protea, yucca, aloe flowers
Pisces Water Lily Flowers Madonna lily (Lilium candidum), Euphorbia marginata, Cyperus (papyrus), stephanotis, jasmine, lilac, narcissus, gypsophila flowers