MPS-ABC uses an environmental indicator system to record crop protection agents, also known as MPS-MIND. MPS-MIND distinguishes between crop protection agents on the basis of their environmental impact and categorizes them as ‘white’, ‘green’, ‘amber’ and ‘red.’
The methodology for calculating points for crop protection agents is being updated as per period 5, 2025. The method by which usage of green, amber, and red substances and the associated standards are included in the qualification has been revised due to the changes in the availability of crop protection agents in recent years. New agents tend to contain green active ingredients, while agents with amber or red active ingredients are increasingly being banned. This has led to an increase in the use of agents categorized as green. It has been ascertained that the MPS-ABC qualification score does not take sufficient account of these changes. Furthermore, at the moment, the use of additional green substances combined with low usage of amber and red substances can have a negative impact on the total score. By readjusting the way in which usage is included in the qualification, we have brought MPS-ABC more in line with the above changes.
The current methodology sets out standards for the active substances in the green, amber, and red categories. These standards (lower and upper limits) are use-based and determine how many points you can achieve with your usage. If your usage is below the lower limit, you achieve maximum points. If your usage is above the upper limit, you achieve zero points. These standards are formulated in such a way that they encourage the use of the lowest possible amount of crop protection agents. However, as outlined above, they do not take sufficient account of changes in the composition of crop protection agents. We have therefore developed a new calculation method.
The new method for calculating points for usage of green, amber and red substances and the associated standards in the qualification consists of two parts:
- Weighting of active substances:
• Green, amber and red active substances are given a specific weighting.
• Amber and red active substances are given a higher weighting than green ones. - Merging of standards: • The standards for the different colours are being merged.
• Instead of separate points for green, amber and red, you will receive a total crop protection score.
These adjustments ensure that the use of active substances is calculated more fairly in the MPS-ABC qualification. Merging the standards and giving usage per colour a weighted value based on its impact will produce a fairer calculation of the score. A MIND impact score will be calculated for each active substance, with amber and red substances counting higher than green ones.
As a participant in MPS-ABC, you don’t have to make any changes to the way you record data to accommodate this change in the standards. However, the score of your qualification may change as of 21 April 2025 (period 5). For example, if you currently use a lot of red or amber substances, your MPS-ABC qualification score will be lower. Your score may also be lower if you use a lot of green substances that are significantly above the current standard.
We understand that in some cases this change will pose challenges with regard to the use of crop protection agents. However, it will result in a lower environmental impact overall.
Source: https://my-mps.com/