“Smart” Project Kicks-off

On November 12th, the official kick-off of project SMART in Rwanda was launched. The kick-off of this project is part of the economic mission to Rwanda, led by Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Minister Ploumen. The aim of this project is to enable farmers in Rwanda to develop a sustainable and profitable business where productivity and food-safety are key. By combining Dutch technology and expertise with local expertise of farmers and knowledge of institutes, both parties see a clear win-win-situation.

During the trade mission to Rwanda, Minister Ploumen stated the importance of the cooperation of Dutch suppliers, such as Bosman Van Zaal and Hoogendoorn with local entrepreneurs of small-scale farms in Rwanda. SMART has projects in South Africa and Rwanda, focusing on different types of technological solutions for as well large, mid as small-scale companies. Small-scale farm Rwanda Best is project partner in Rwanda. The project is cofinanced by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Project partners greenhouse constructor Bosman Van Zaal and automation supplier Hoogendoorn Growth Management will realize the greenhouse.


Applicable technology for small-scale farms SMART uses technological solutions to increase productivity and food safety in the horticulture industry. Unique about this project managed by Greenport Holland International, is its focus on small-scale local farmers in Rwanda. A pilot greenhouse will be built at Rwanda Best.

The project is implemented in collaboration with Dutch leading companies greenhouse constructor Bosman Van Zaal and automation supplier Hoogendoorn With Dutch advanced technology of Hoogendoorn and Bosman Van Zaal, fitted to local conditions, a huge contribution to a sustainable and food-safe production is delivered. Other companies involved in this project are DLV Plant, RijkZwaan, Koppert and knowledge institutes Wageningen University and Research Centre, TNO and Bopic (NGO). The project makes horticulture technologies affordable and applicable for innovative farmers.

Official kick-off SMART project From Ruzibiza’s point of view, the added value for Rwanda as small country, is to maximize the production per square meter and control quality and production costs at the same time. ’By introducing new technology that positively impacts the quality and quantity of vegetable production, the SMART horticulture project at Rwanda Best highly contributes to the developments of horticulture in Rwanda. Rwanda Best has the vision to establish a knowledge transfer center with the use of Dutch expertise. The demonstration farm will be a center of excellence, which enables me to show the community what can be done in horticulture.’