Sivanto Prime Launched

Growers preparing their thrips spray programs will have many options including Sivanto prime from Bayer CropScience and distributed by Elgon Kenya Ltd in the region. It was Pomp and dance as growers welcomed the latest insecticide from Bayer CropScience for the control of sucking insects. The new butenolide chemistry makes Sivanto Prime systemic insecticide that can be used to control wide range of sucking insects, such as aphids, whiteflies, thrips and other important pests.

What is Sivanto Prime?
Sivanto Prime is the latest insecticide from Bayer Crop Science for the control of important sucking insects that fits perfectly in sustainable growing systems. Sivanto Prime protects your crop against a wide range of insects, such as whiteflies, aphids, and thrips and is effective against both nymphs / larvae and adult stages. Sivanto Prime has a fast activity and is absorbed by the leaf, after which the active substance moves in the direction of the juice flow. Also key, the mode of action of the active substance flupyradifurone, makes Sivanto Prime an asset in resistance management strategies.

What is the mechanism of action of Sivanto Prime?
Sivanto Prime works in the central nervous system of the insect as an agonist of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) of the insect. The active substance flupyradifurone mimics the natural neurotransmitter. The long-lasting effect of the product results in a disorder of the nervous system of the insect,and subsequent death.

What makes Sivanto Prime unique?
Sivanto Prime has a very fast effective control against sucking insects and a favorable profile. Sivanto Prime gives effective vector control through fast activity and feeding ceasation in insects.

How is Sivanto Prime classified in the IRAC mode of action group? The Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) has classified Sivanto Prime, (flupyradifurone), in the new subgroup 4D – Butenolides, a new subgroup of Group 4, which includes all insecticidal agonists of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR).


What innovation characterizes Sivanto Prime’s formulation concept?
SIVANTO® Prime has a unique formulation concept based on a specially tailored emulsifier system that has never been used by Bayer before. The formulation is easy to use and store thanks to improved cold stability and offers fast solubility and good mixability in the spray tank. The advanced retention properties result in good coverage and improved leaf penetration to ensure rapid action of the active substance.

What are the core benefits and properties of Sivanto Prime?
The new butenolide chemistry makes Sivanto Prime a systemic insecticide that can be used to control a wide range of sucking insects, such as aphids, whiteflies, thrips and other important pests. Sivanto Prime fits perfectly in an integrated cultivation and is safe for honeybees and bumblebees (when used according to label). Sivanto Prime is also safe for most beneficial insects.

Does Sivanto Prime fit within an integrated system?
Sivanto Prime is the ideal product within an integrated cultivation system due to the minimal risks to beneficial insects, such as ladybugs, parasitic wasps and predatory mites.

How fast is the initial effect of Sivanto Prime?
A leaf application with Sivanto Prime ensures a rapid reduction of the sucking of the insects, after which the secretion of honeydew strongly decreases. After a few hours the first dead insects are visible and the maximum killing is reached within two hours.

What is meant by the systemic and translaminar effect of Sivanto Prime?
Sivanto prime is taken up into leaves and stems after spray application and via roots if applied to soil or alternative substrate After uptake into plant system, Sivanto prime is translocated acropetally in the xylem, in direction of transpiration stream and moves translaminar to the underside of the leaf. Due to the systemic properties, the active substance is redistributed quickly and evenly over the entire leaf, so that hidden insects are controlled.

Is Sivanto Prime effective against various stages of the plague?
Sivanto Prime addresses both the larvae / nymph stages and adult stages.

What is recommended for active resistance management with Sivanto Prime?
Sivanto Prime is an insecticide from the completely new chemical subgroup 4D: butenolides. Sivanto Prime differs in structure from all other insecticides (such as neonicotinoids = CNI, pyrethroids, and organophosphates).

In order to prevent resistance, it is necessary to alternate between the different chemical groups. An alternation between the various subgroups reduces the risk of crossresistance.