Salvaging Tomato Production in Kenya

As new trends emerge, Kenyan farmers in the future will have to innovate continuously in order to remain competitive; the farmers will need to respond to the permanent pressure on margins, professionalism, increase demand and face growers in abroad countries with excellent farming techniques.

Koppert Biological Systems (K) Limited is one input supplier that is increasing partnerships and always carrying out research and investigations on the new, easy and highly effective farming methods that will enable farms to increase their yield while making their farming an enjoyable experience, priding itself in helping Kenyan farmers remain the leaders in the world markets.

This was revealed when Koppert Biological Systems (K) Ltd in partnership with Kenyatta University brought a team of professionals in different fields of the agriculture sector together in a Nairobi Hotel to discuss how to salvage the tomato production in Kenya. The workshop which marked the inception of Tomato ARF funded project was attended by researchers, academicians and scientists from the private sector, different universities, KARLO, KEPHIS, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries among others. The workshop was also attended by large scale and small scale farmers drawn from different parts of the country. The workshop was an inception of a three year cross-sectional survey research project.


Koppert Biologicals Systems (K) Limited while creating an open forum through direct interaction between farmers, input supplier, scientists from different government institutions and academicians created an incentive to start a missing link. In addition they also laid down some of the available solutions they could offer to the farmers for the control of Tuta Absoluta. The company encouraged farmers to use Delta traps together with pherodis pheromone in scouting and monitoring. For mass trapping, they recommended Tutasan Water Traps or Horiver- Black sticky traps. In Biological Control, use of Mirical (Macrolophus pygmaeus) was advised.

Reflecting the challenges affecting the farmers’ attendants agreed that it was possible to adopt Integrated Pest Management (IPM) packages for sustainable management of tomato leafminer (Tuta Absoluta) and Fusrium wilt-Nematodes. However, it was agreed that this can only be possible after understanding efforts to curb the spread of Tuta Absoluta as well as the challenges in managing it.


Why Timato?

Tomato is the second most valuable vegetable in terms of production and value in Kenya. It plays a critical role in generation of income and creation of employment for booth rural and urban populations in addition to meeting nutritional food requirements. However, commercial farming of this important crop is under immense threat from Fusarium wilt-Nematode complex and the recent attack by tomato leafminer (Tuta absoluta). Some farmers have reported yield losses of up-to 80-100 % per growing season.


Tuta Absoluta (Tomato leafminer)


Tuta absoluta is a micro-lepidopteran moth with a high reproductive potential capable of over 10 generations per year under optimal conditions. The larval stage of the moth causes damage through feeding mainly in tomato fields.




  • Can cause 50-100% yield reduction
  • Damage is caused mainly by the caterpillars
  • Can infest any of the plant above the ground in any stage of the crop



Project Theme

Towards adoption of integrated pest management (IPM) packages for sustainable management of tomato leafminer (Tuta absoluta) and Fusarium wilt- Nematodes complex.


Project title

Development , vadation and dissemination of integrated pest management (IPM) Packages for Tomato leafminer (Tuta absoluta) and Fusarium wilt-Nematode complex affecting tomato production in Kenya.


Project objectives


  • To establish the current status of Tuta absoluta and Fusarium wilt-Nematode complex in Mwea Kenya
  • To evaluate the efficacy of biological control tools for management of Tuta absoluta and Fusarium wilt-Nematode complex within smallholder farms in Kenya
  • To develop, validate and disseminate IPM strategies for Tuta absoluta and Fusarium wilt-Nematode complex


Expected outputs


  • Publish catalogues and papers on diversity and identity of Tuta absoluta and Fusarium wilt-Nematode complex
  • Sustainable management of tuta absoluta and Fusarium wilt-Nematode complex within smallholder farms
  • Improved tomato production in Kenya
  • Increased capacity and knowledge for agricultural practitioners in integrated pest management



Project partners & Role

Koppert Kenya: Develop, validate, disseminate and upscale integrated pest management (IPM) Packagings for management of Tuta absoluta and Fusarium wilt-nematode complex. Disseminate information and capacity building.


Kenyatta University: carry out identification, characterization and maintenance of pure isolates of tuta absoluta, root-knot nematodes and Fusarium wilt pathogens. Disseminate information and capacity building.

Koppert BV : Techniocal backstopping on biological crop protection.