Rwanda: Boosting Horticulture for Economic Growth and Employment

Rwanda’s horticulture industry holds significant promise for the country’s economic development. This potential has been underscored by the Horti-Export Phase 2 project, launched in 2021 and funded by GIZ under its “Special Initiative – Decent Work for a Just Transition.” This initiative aims to foster decent jobs and improve working conditions across the sector.

Recently, agriculture stakeholders gathered to share insights, tackle challenges, and explore opportunities within Rwanda’s horticulture sector. The conference, organized by IDH Rwanda—a group collaborating with businesses, governments, and civil society to promote sustainable trade—also celebrated the successes of the Horti-Export project.

Dr. Chantal Ingabire, the Director General of Planning at the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, highlighted the ministry’s commitment to transforming agriculture from subsistence farming to a market-driven sector, in line with Rwanda’s Vision 2050. This transformation is detailed in the fifth edition of the Strategic Plan for Agriculture Transformation (PSTA), which emphasizes boosting exports, promoting horticultural products, and increasing private sector involvement.

Dr. Ingabire outlined the ministry’s ambitious goal of increasing agricultural exports from $875 million to $1.9 billion by 2030. She expressed confidence in achieving this target due to plans to ensure a steady supply of high-quality products and the active engagement of the private sector, including smallholder farmers and SMEs, in agribusiness.

The horticulture value chain is seen as a key driver for income and job creation, particularly for youth and women. The ministry aims to create at least 600,000 jobs in the agrifood systems over the next five years, building on the current target of 400,000 jobs.

Dr. Thomas Kirsch, Country Director for GIZ, emphasized the importance of agriculture to Rwanda’s economy, noting that it contributes 26% to the GDP and employs over 60% of the working-age population. While coffee and tea have traditionally dominated exports, Rwanda’s horticulture sector has shown substantial potential in recent years.

Kirsch highlighted the project’s achievements, including the creation of over 1,000 new permanent jobs, increased export revenues from 25 to 55.6 metric tonnes per week, and improved working conditions for over 6,300 SMEs and farm workers.

Gerald Habimana, representing Kojyamunya Cooperative, shared his success story as a project beneficiary. Initially focusing on local markets, the cooperative adopted modern farming techniques and began targeting international markets after gaining access to irrigation. Despite COVID-19 challenges, they produced 108 tonnes of chili in the first half of the year, thanks to continuous support from IDH Rwanda, NAEB, and MINAGRI.

Friesen-Leibbrandt, the Chief Finance Officer of IDH, thanked participants for their contributions and stressed the importance of the horticulture sector in creating decent jobs and maintaining its appeal to young people. She reiterated IDH’s commitment to developing a vibrant Rwandan horticulture sector that generates sustainable employment opportunities for youth and women.