Milestone Towards 100% Certified Sustainable Floriculture 

Clarity for small-scale growers and clear sustainability regulations for all growers 

With the launch of a certification scheme for small-scale growers from the Floriculture Sustainability Initiative (FSI) and with clear sustainability regulations for certification, the final step has now been taken towards 100% FSI-compliance for all growers. Earlier, leading growers and buyers together with Royal FloraHolland (RFH) agreed on 100% sustainability certification with an established roadmap. Meanwhile, about three quarters of the sales traded through the RFH platform are certified.  

Small-scale grower scheme available from FSI 

FSI today announced the small-scale grower scheme for growers in the ‘Global North’ (mainly Europe and Israel) [Press release FSI]. This introduces a modified certification scheme for these small-scale growers, which gives them a suitable opportunity to certify and meet FSI requirements from today. With an integrated scheme for Environment, GAP (Good Agricultural Practice) and Social, this group of growers can meet the certification requirement. It was agreed that growers who have been successfully audited for both the environmental module and the GAP module satisfy requirements for certification. While the social module is already in the scheme looking forward, it has not yet been audited. From 1 July 2027, all members in member package Auction Focus are required to be certified as described above.    

Organic growers, visibility and clear rules 

Royal FloraHolland has recently held additional talks with growers as a follow-up to the consultation round for the small-scale grower scheme. The main points from these discussions led to the following decisions:

  • Organic growers: RFH wants to encourage organic growing (with EU Organic/Skal certificate) and sees this way of growing as a positive development. It was therefore decided to take a closer look at how to become FSI-compliant with an EU Organic/Skal certificate in the FSI context. As soon as this is definite, it will be announced. Pending that outcome, growers with EU Organic/Skal certificates can continue to trade on the RFH platform without restrictions. 

  • Visibility: In addition to visibility on Floriday, RFH’s clocks also display all sustainability certificates and – if applicable – whether a grower is FSI-compliant. Here, RFH deliberately elects to have mentioning of certificates achieved as an optional choice, to avoid stating that any grower is not certified. The explicit notification ‘no environmental certificate’ will expire by the end of March at the latest. 

  • Clear rules for all: with a clear update on all aspects of the sustainability regulations, clarity is created for all users of the platform regarding certification. In particular, on the following points: stoppers scheme (a dispensation intended for growers who wish to cease farming within two years of the effective date of their certification), enforcement, and regulations for non-growing supplier.

These updates will soon be published as part of the updated sustainability regulations on RFH’s website. 

Pieter Bootsma, CEO Royal FloraHolland: “These steps mark another milestone on the road to 100% sustainability certification. This creates clarity for all users of our platform. In the coming months, we will support our members as much as possible to take the right steps. Certification is crucial to provide insight and transparency on sustainability. This also contributes to the reputation of the floriculture sector, in the Netherlands and abroad. Society and consumers are increasingly demanding clarity that flowers and plants are produced responsibly.” 

Road map 

The road map for certification for all members and suppliers at Royal FloraHolland is:  

On 1 January 2026: All members and captains in member pack Direct flex, Direct Focus, Auction Flex will be certified as per FSI requirements. Growers with a total business turnover less than €250,000 from ornamental plant products can use the small-scale grower scheme.  

By 1 July 2027: all members in membership package Auction Focus will be certified. Growers with a turnover less than €250,000 can use the small-scale grower scheme. Small-scale Auction Focus growers will receive a one-off payment of €250 until 1 July 2027 if they are demonstrably FSI-compliant.