Meet Irene Njeru, The Marketer

Briefly discuss Irene Njeru (background-personal and as a grower)

I am a graduate in horticulture with a Masters in business administration (Entrepreneurship) and a Post graduate diploma in marketing. I started my working life in 1999 in the floriculture industry until now mostly in pack house, quality and marketing departments. in different flower farms.

You have been marketing flowers for most of your professional life, if you would have to give your remarks about being a flower marketer, what would they be?

Being a flower marketer is very interesting, has its challenges especially during low periods but gives great satisfaction when I am able to take the company successfully through this hard times. The success of the company depends largely how the sales and marketing strategies are implemented.

In your experiences, briefly discuss the vase life and transportability and marketing of flowers in Kenya?

The products from Kenya have a good vase life compared to products from other countries mostly because of the information that is readily available to growers on different post harvest treatments and also because of the seriousness of the partners in business on the cool chain process.

Transportation of flowers from Kenya to various destinations is not a problem as there are enough flights that pass our country however there is limitation of business with some countries due to very expensive freight rates an example being America.

Most growers are tending more and more towards direct markets as opposed to the Auction markets as was the case some years back. This has been made easier by technology enhancement over the years.

Briefly discuss challenges you have faced as a Flower Marketer?

As a flower marketer different situations especially related to growing act as points of challenge an example being when a product is affected by downy mildew or botrytis etc and we have to inform the clients we cannot meet their regular volume requirements and unless you have a product that is close in colour then this is a real let down to the client. When a variety comes into flush during a period when demand is not high it’s a real challenge trying to move the product to ensure minimal losses. However challenges are the avenues for growth in any profession.

What would you point out as your strongest attribute that has made you succeed as a Flower Marketer?

Being persistent, results oriented and positive in my line of work. Team work has also played a major role in the success.

On marketing, discuss auction market vs direct market.

The two markets are important markets for the floriculture industry. How much an organization sells to either market depends on the company’s strategy. The direct market mostly basis their businesses on auction market showing the importance of the auction market in the sector. However for a grower good volume of direct market gives the grower something to fall back on when the market is really low as during this period there is very low returns to the farms.

For the last one year we have seen a more aggressive marketing by flower farms with increments of direct sales compared to the auctions, what are your reasons?

Due to the changes at the auction there has been abit of uncertainty on the direction the auction will take in the future and because of the survival instinct growers have become more aggressive in marketing their products direct.

How would you describe your time as the Marketing Manager, mZurrie Flowers.? Are you passionate about what you do?

As the marketing manager of mZurrie Flowers I have learnt a lot and gained great experience in various areas including selling, marketing and branding. All this has been made possible by the team work and encouragement in the organization and the good leadership we have.

What is your vision for mZurrie Flowers Marketing Department? What are your top priorities?

The vision is to make the department grow into a professional front that puts our customers first and endeavourers to move the organization to greater heights with the company’s strategies being the guide.

Briefly discuss the mZurrie Flowers team? What’s the biggest challenge YOU feel as a team you face, and what inspires the team to meet it head on?

mZurrie flowers team is the best team I would ever ask to work with. We work together as a team from the most senior with an aim of growing each other in an honest and professional way. We take challenges in all departments positively and together find a way out of these. We support each other with respect and honesty which enhances the feeling of togetherness. The leadership of the organization is the greatest inspiration for the mZurrie team to meet all challenges head on.

Where do you think the most significant growth in market will be in the next few years (Europe, America, Russia, Asia etc)? And Why?

This is difficult to say as this depends on each individual grower in the sector based on which region they see more potential for their organization. Markets are very dynamic.

What is your personal work ethic, and how does this affect the company culture?

I believe in giving my best in everything I do and in doing it right from the start. Shortcuts are very expensive in the end.

What decisions have you made in your career that you look back on and feel where mistakes? None that I can think of at the moment. Describe your ordinary day?Do you still have enough personal time?

I am in the office between 7.30 am and 5.00pm – my work is 98% behind the computer doing what needs to be done at any one time. I plan my work between the work hours so that I have time to rest; as rest is important for the body for one to remain focused and efficient in their work.

Give your final comments.

God Bless mZurrie Group.