Looking back over the past twenty four months Oscar shilliebo technical sales manager Dow Agrosciences, is proud of the company’s per formance even though it has been exceptionally difficult year all round in the industry. With the next year underway and plenty of strategic plans in place, Shilliebo looks on with anticipation to the next twelve months.

Briefly discuss Oscar Shilliebo (background and Technical Sales Manager at Dow Agrosciences.)
I am the New Technical Sales Manager responsible for East Africa at Dow Agrosciences. I Joined Dow in January 2013 from Suba Agro in Tanzania. I am a graduate of Horticulture from Maseno University with years of experience in the Agrochemical industry. Before Joining Dow Agrosciences I have worked for different companies such as Amiran (K) Ltd, Dudutech (K) Ltd, Hygrotech E.A. Ltd, Bridgefarm Agriculture E.A. Ltd and finally Suba Agro in Tanzania. I have over 10 years experience in different crop sectors namely, Flowers, Horticulture, Cereals and Coffee in Kenya and Tanzania. As Technical sales Manager for Dow Agrosciences, I am responsible for building a demand generation plan with Marketing plans, train agents/distributors sales force on Product technical positioning and stewardship, train growers and end users on Product technical aspects and how to derive effective benefits from use of DAS products, establish demo trials to use as knowledge extension and support product launches aligned with marketing East African countries

How would you describe your last few months as the Technical Sales Manager? Are you passionate about what you do?
I would say very exciting, It has basically been a time to equip myself with the right tools and ammunition to enable me get out there and be of service to our agents/distributors and end users of our products. I am very excited about this new role and really looking up to the challenge a head.

What is your vision for Dow Agrosciences in the floriculture subsector? What are your top priorities?
My vision is to enhance Dow AgroSciences presence in East Africa, expand our product portfolio particularly in the Floriculture subsector and with my extensive years of experience enable our customers enjoy the full benefits of the technology and innovations churning out of Dow Agrosciences pipeline. I can tell our clients to look out for DAS in the next couple of months as we are bringing them unrivalled state of the art solutions with new innovative technology and science. My priorities are to help our clients understand our products better and especially how they can be able to gain maximum benefits out of the excellent portfolio that we have in plan for them.

In a nutshell describe Dow Agrosciences flower portfolio and other services you offer to the growers
As one of the Global leaders in Agrochemicals we are dedicated to bringing our clients new technological innovations that offer sustainable solutions. We are a company with professional ethics in the way we do our stuff and this is the reason why our presence is felt more and more.At the moment our portfolio in Flowers has been regarded narrow but I can tell you we are the company to beat in the coming days as we will soon be launching new innovative and unrivalled technology in our portfolio for Floriculture and Horticulture. Our current portfolio includes Tracer a leading natural Thripicide, Systhane an excellent Triazole for Powdery mildew and Runner an excellent IGR with unique mode of action that works different from the known IGR’s and can complement the known IGR’s. We recently launched Delegate an improved Thripicide that also handles caterpillars and whiteflies nymphs. I invite the flower Growers to watch this space as we are soon coming with a, new innovative active against Meallybugs and other sucking insect pests.

For the last few months we have seen a more aggressive Dow Agrociences presence in the flower sector, participating in a number of Exhibitions, what can you attribute this to?
As explained earlier there is need to be more closer and offer tailor made solutions to our customers. We want them to better understand our products and how to make the most benefits out of them.

In our last discussion you hinted that you’re looking to expand your flower portfolio, what are the factors that you’re considering in making that choice?
The pressure in which the pest problems is offering to our customers, the narrow available choice of products to pick from and the resistance management tool.

What can you promise the flower sector in the next few months?
Dow AgroSciences is back and in a big way. Just watch this space.

What’s the biggest challenge you feel your company faces in the flower sector, and are ready to face it head on?
Our greatest challenge is that most of our products are not well known by the growers and we are prepared to hold trainings and demo trials to help growers better understand our products and get the most benefits out of them.

Where do you see the Floriculture sector globally in the next 10 years? How are you prepared for this change in the industry?
I can only see growth as you are aware Nakuru is growing fast, there are further expansions in Ethiopia and yes we are ready to grow with the industry.

What is your personal work ethic, and how does this affect the company culture?

I love my job and I enjoy what I do to see that I can offer solutions to the farmers and my clients. I am a strict professional with strict work ethics to earn the respect of my clients, colleagues, bosses and juniors. Dow Agroscience is a company with strong and professional work ethics, I am pretty sure this will go a long way to enhance my delivery both to the clients and the company.

What decisions have you made in your career that you look back and feel they were mistakes?
Yes I have made my mistakes although I cannot think of any relevant to this article.

What have you learned from them?
I have learnt patience is a virtue and life is very humbling at times.

What are the 3 most pivotal moments in your career that you either learned from and/or that got you where you are?
When I decided to leave a well paying Job at Dudutech to take a pay cut for my Job at Hygrotech and also deciding to take a poor paying job in the neighboring country which opened me to a whole new world of experience and crops.

Describe your ordinary day?
Do you still have enough personal time?

I wake up at 4 a.m. for a one hour Jog, freshen up, have breakfast at half past five and leave for the office at quarter to six. Normally arrive at the office between 7 a.m. and half past 7 in the morning depending with traffic. I spend 20 minutes to catch up with the dailies and then carry on with my work. I normally leave the office at 6.30 p.m. or 7 p.m. depending on the days’ work get home at about 8 p.m. to catch my kids just before they get to bed. That is if I am in the office. When I am out in the field I will get up at 5 a.m. Jog or go to the Gym and then have breakfast then catch up with e-mails for an hour after which I go for my farmer meetings, trainings or field days.

Give your final comments.
Am excited to be working at Dow Agrosciences and the great team we are in South East Africa Region and I am sure the Sky is the limit.