Creating Consistent Brands

IFTEX is the time to refine and define your corporate culture and identity and show your brand meaning to your customers

When it comes to branding and your exhibition stand, you only really get one chance to impress. This is not only because once the exhibition stand is on the trade show floor it cannot be modified, but also because often exhibition visitors will pass by the exhibition stand once only.

What’s the difference between an exhibitor who sizzles and one that fizzles?
Sometimes it’s hard to find something truly unique on the trade show floor, but an exhibitor must have a few exceptional elements that make him noteworthy. First, positioning the stand, on the first lane of the ground almost opposite the gate space allow them to stand out and appear even larger than the space itself and almost the first booth visitors see. Second, using tall, well projected colours on the wall as a projection surface is a brilliant way to keep the booth minimalistic while still communicating important key messages in a visually impactful manner that makes visitors to stop and take note. Third, the laser-tight focus on the company’s product is a welcome contrast to its graphics-heavy and display-cluttered neighbours.


The booth will attract throngs of onlookers equally arresting, attracting droves of attendees like mosquitoes to a beautiful, glowing bug zapper, the interactive elements are inviting, prompting passersby to snap a picture of the amethyst environ and teasing attendees into entering and exploring. The booth will be a hit, greeting visitors with an attention-grabbing focal point especially when comprising a dramatically lit ceiling structure and a bold brand signage. And best of all, if the spaces are staffed with brand reps ready to help attendees make sense of the special effects.

Companies which are concerned about their brand and usually don’t want to be known as second-best. They want to be known as the leader in their industry. However, leadership comes in different flavours, and must ensure their brand will be seen as high-end and high-quality manufacturer. The company must work round the clock and to be a leading innovator and high-tech.

Sound like a fallacy? Let’s see how companies will build leadership position through exhibiting in the IFTEX.

In sponsoring the event, a company understands that, branding is based on emotion. Though the task of swaying emotions in people is a very large one, it’s not enough to let it lie and become its own .To appeal to emotions, good positioning of their booth is key and the best position could only be achieved through been sponsors. Branding is a process, a business system that fuels and sustains all customer/company relationships! Total consistency, congruity, clarity and focus in every aspect of the exhibition, before, during and after the show must be clearly met during IFTEX.

The reason why companies invest heavily during IFTEX to build a brand that will be remembered – and preferred. So during the trade fair, they work hard to make sure attendees will walk away knowing exactly who they are, what they can get from them, and that they are their best choice. As a company they bring customer together, to cultivate relationships.

Branding is a basic marketing concept that is designed to set your products/services apart from the competition by creating a unique identity. IFTEX is the time to refine and define your corporate culture and identity and show your brand meaning to your customers. A company brand is an emotional link between them and their customers. It is what people buy when they buy your products. The most important part of your brand’s identity is the promise it makes to customers. The essence of branding is simplicity and timelessness. Whenever we talk about product branding ideas or exhibition stands’ promotion, we just get one chance to attract customers, this is not for the reason that once your exhibition stand has been designed it cannot be modified, it is because of your visitor once visits your promotional exhibition booth stands out. That is why you’ll have to, confidently, prove your ideas, shocking and appealing to get attraction and force to stop visitor at your compelling exhibition stand.

Product branding and Consistency:Stands must be designed well and have each and every thing on appropriate place, visualized for audience and generating exact messages which the product really is, and it is well constructed and consistent. All the banners, artworks, product labelling and the display racks must be affixed on the more viewable places. What potential and existing customers see is visually an appropriate level of professionalism.

Bigger exhibition Booth: There’s a reason everyone wants to see the Grand Canyon: it’s really big! Similarly, one of the key factors in which IFTEX attendees remember most is booth size.

Great graphic impact: Attendees should not ignore the booth due to its bright, bold colours, big images such as banners and posters, and easy to read messages. The designs should create more impact and visitors approach from far away, down the aisle, and in the booth. Hierarchy of messages: The stand must have a hierarchy of messages, starting highest with who you are, then what you do, and finally what you can do for people. There should be no confusion between the company and product names.

Consistent with other marketing: The booth and the trade show promotions reinforce the look and messages shared by the company via their website, brochures, and advertisements.

A brand experience: IFTEX will be an immersive environment that will take place for three days during which companies must create an experience that activate their brand in the minds of visitors. Visitors must be treated with a high-tech experience by one of the best hosts in the trade fair.

Brand ambassadors: Companies should bring to the show employees who best exemplify their brand. When potential customers visit the stand, they don’t deal with people who only have a vague understanding of the products and services. They get specific answers to very specific questions because the stand has carefully selected competent individuals who work effectively as a team. The staff should combine both technical and sales experience, and knowledge. There uniform should easily distinguish them from other similarly-attired personnel from other companies. They should easily interact with stand visitors, greeting them in a friendly manner, and offering help and advice where needed.

Prior promotions: To attract more people, the company should have pre-show and at-show promotions. They should if possible sponsor the event, run adverts in the show book and other industry magazines, and send direct emails to their customers to visit their stand. They should also offer giveaways which attract more people to their booth, which can easily remind attendees about their brand after the show is over and reinforce the brand image.

Integrating Brand Awareness into the Exhibition: Since exhibiting is a powerful extension of the company’s advertising, promotion, public relations and sales function, that automatically mean it is an excellent way to enhance brand awareness. Everything the company stands for, no matter how large or small, should be exhibited on the show floor.