Hamish KerHamish Ker has been appointed as Andermatt Kenya’s Chief Executive Officer, effective 1st December 2023. “We have an opportunity to help our customers meet the demands of biological solutions and we are excited to welcome Hamish to the team!” the Andermatt team says.

“We want to thank Stephen Musyoka, who has been instrumental in establishing Andermatt Kenya as a going concern since inception these past four years – as an early adopter and pioneer of biological farming solutions in Kenya.”

“Stephen has assisted in positioning Andermatt business for future growth/ development in 2024 and beyond. We are grateful for Stephen’s contributions to Andermatt and the impact we created together over the last four years. Stephen will take up a new role within the company as General Manager, Macrobial business. With the development of the Andermatt footprint in Kenya and the continued investment in our macrobial production capacity we are confident of the growing role Andermatt must play in the rapidly growing demand for Healthy Food and Healthy Environment for all!”

Andermatt’s Journey in Africa
Healthy Food and Healthy Environment for all, speaks directly to Africa and her people.

Andermatt’s vision in Africa is focused on feeding the continent sustainably, as well as strengthening local economies through the export of high-quality, residue-free, healthy food.

South African based Andermatt Madumbi and Andermatt PHP, are recognised as well established, market leaders in the distribution and manufacture of quality biological solutions.

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mangoThe first half of 2023 witnessed a series of pivotal moments that set the course for the future of Africa’s fresh produce export sector. From innovative freight solutions to lifting existing bans, the industry experienced significant events that had a lasting impact on its growth and performance in the years ahead.

New regulations imposed on Mango exporters in Kenya
From November 2023, mango exporters in Kenya were subject to stringent physical inspections of their mangoes before shipment, with the location of their packhouse being subject to inspections facilitated by The Agriculture and Food Authority Horticultural Crops Directive.

The measures came into place due to issues concerning mangoes being mixed with avocados during sea freight, which breached horticulture crop regulations. This action also came in response to the AFA’s ban on October 31 to cease the delivery of avocados, which were being exported prematurely. AFA implemented a directive to physically inspect mango exports consignments after concerns that some exporters had been blending mangoes with avocados for sea shipments.

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By Mary Mwende

hydroponic 2024Floriculture, has evolved significantly in recent years with the emergence of two distinct approaches: hydroponic and substrate-based systems. These methods offer unique advantages and require specialized nutrition management strategies to ensure the healthy growth and vibrant blooms of flowers. Hydroponic floriculture relies on a soilless environment, with essential nutrients delivered through precisely balanced nutrient solutions, while substratebased floriculture employs solid, soilless substrates supplemented with additional nutrients.

Hydroponic Floriculture
Hydroponics is a soilless growing system where plants are cultivated in an inert medium, such as rock wool, coco coir, or perlite. These media serve as physical supports for plants, but they do not provide any nutritional value. In hydroponic floriculture, all essential nutrients are supplied through a carefully balanced nutrient solution.

Growing Medium: The growing medium in hydroponic systems is essentially an anchor for plant roots. It is chosen for its inert nature, moisture retention capabilities, and the ability to hold the plant in place. The absence of soil eliminates the risk of soil-borne diseases and pests, offering a more controlled environment for plant growth.

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mealybug 2024 1Cut flower cultivation is an art that demands meticulous care and attention to detail. Whether you are a professional floriculturist or an avid hobbyist, the joy of cultivating vibrant, blooming flowers is unparalleled. However, like any other form of agriculture, cut flower growing comes with its own set of challenges, and one persistent problem that often plagues flower growers is the infestation of mealybugs.

Mealybugs, members of the Pseudococcidae family, are small, softbodied insects that feed on the sap of plants. These pests can wreak havoc on cut flower crops, causing stunted growth, distorted blooms, and even transmitting plant diseases.

Understanding Mealybugs
Mealybugs are a common menace in horticulture, affecting a wide range of plants, including popular cut flower varieties. These tiny insects have a soft, cottony appearance, often resembling small tufts of cotton or white powder. Mealybugs feed on plant sap by inserting their needlelike mouthparts into plant tissues, extracting nutrients and causing damage in the process.

One of the challenges posed by mealybugs is their rapid reproduction. Female mealybugs can lay hundreds of eggs, leading to exponential population growth if left unchecked. Additionally, mealybugs excrete a sticky substance known as honeydew, which promotes the growth of sooty mold, further compromising the health of the host plant.

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investing 2024Welcome to the exciting financial journey of 2024! It’s a ride full of possibilities for savvy investors like you. Picture this: smart investing in 2024 goes beyond the usual. We’re talking artificial intelligence, blockchain, and more! This guide is your ticket to manoeuvring through the financial twists and turns.

Here’s the scoop: stay in the know, and adapt to trends. Think beyond the usual—sustainability and social responsibility are the new cool. With global shifts and tech magic, we’ll show you how to ride the waves. Get ready for a ride where adaptability, innovation, and a bit of strategy lead the way. Let’s dive into the world of smart investing in 2024!

Embrace Technological Innovation
In the fast-paced world of finance, technology is king. From blockchain to artificial intelligence, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Look for companies leveraging cutting-edge technologies, which will likely be tomorrow’s gamechangers. Tech-driven investments provide growth potential and position your portfolio for resilience in an increasingly digital world.

Keep an Eye on Inflation
Inflation can erode the purchasing power of your money. In 2024, with economic shifts and changing policies, keeping a vigilant eye on inflation is crucial. Invest in assets that historically perform well during inflationary periods, such as real estate and commodities. By staying proactive, you can safeguard your portfolio against the erosive effects of rising prices. In addition to monitoring inflation, starting an emergency fund is essential. Step in achieving financial security.

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East Africa, Kenya has emerged as a prominent player in the global cut flower industry. The nation’s temperate climate, fertile soils, and skilled labour force create a favorable environment for producing a wide variety of high-quality cut flowers. In this realm of horticulture, scouting, a fundamental agricultural practice, takes center stage. This practice involves systematic monitoring of crops for pests, diseases, and other growth-related issues. In Kenya’s cut flower growing sector, scouting plays a pivotal role in ensuring product quality, maintaining profitability, and upholding sustainability.

I. The Significance of Scouting in Cut Flower Growing
Cut flower growing is a delicate balance between art and science, where care and attention are essential to produce aesthetically pleasing and healthy blooms. Scouting, is an indispensable practice that aligns with the principles of sustainable agriculture. It involves continuous monitoring of crops to detect the early signs of pests, diseases, nutrient imbalances, and other stressors that might hamper plant growth.

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By Mary Mwende

As we approach the month of February, Kenya’s vibrant floriculture industry gears up for the grand crescendo of love – Valentine’s Day. Kenya, often referred to as the “Flower of Africa,” stands proud as a floral powerhouse. Blessed with a favorable climate and diverse landscapes, the country’s floriculture sector plays a pivotal role in the global flower trade. Roses, lilies, carnations, and orchids – Kenya’s flower farms cultivate a stunning array of blooms that embody the essence of love.

The journey begins months before Valentine’s Day, as flower farms across the country kick into high gear. The meticulous cultivation of flowers requires careful planning to ensure an abundant supply for the surge in demand during the romantic season. Growers implement innovative techniques and cuttingedge technologies to nurture the finest blooms that will find their way into countless bouquets exchanged on February 14th.

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By Zablon Oyugi

The Kenya, Netherlands cooperation in agriculture took a dive into Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards (SPS) concerns raised by farmers and exporters during the recently concluded Naivasha Horticultural Fair in Nakuru County.

The initiative is a continuation of the bilateral cooperation in agriculture between Kenya and Netherlands following a bilateral cooperation in the sector the two parties signed in July this year.

According to Bart Pauwels, Agriculture Counsellor at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands who opened the event, the role of SPS in international trade and agri-business has changed over the past decade from the technical sense to being a competitive instrument in differentiated product market hence the need to give it a proper focus.

“SPS measures are now becoming a strategic tool for developing and differentiating markets, gaining market access, coordinating the quality and safety of the food system, and defining market niches for export products.”

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In a major victory for science, a French court on 17 October dismissed a defamation lawsuit by the notorious French anti-GMO activist scientist Gilles-Eric Séralini, finding instead in favour of three fact-finding journalists whom Séralini had sued for calling his work “fraudulent.”

Geraldine Woessner, one of the three journalists targeted by Séralini, announced on X/Twitter: “I am pleased to announce that jurisprudence has FINALLY changed: in the defamation case brought against me by Gilles-Eric Séralini, for having referred to his 2012 study on GMO-fed rats as ‘fraudulent,’ the court has just ruled in my favor. Have a great day!” She added: “My colleagues @MacLesggy and Patrick Cohen, who was also being pursued, have been acquitted.”

Fraudulent and misleading
The case dates back to 2019 when Séralini, a French biologist at the University of Caen, sued Mac Lesggy, Patrick Cohen, and Geraldine Woessner for defamation after the three journalists had described the findings of his controversial – and subsequently retracted – study on rats fed on GMO corn and Roundup as fraudulent and misleading. Patrick Cohen, for instance, had referred on French television to Seralini’s controversial paper as “one of the worst scientific deceptions of the past ten years.”

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Precision Agriculture Meets Flower Farming Flower farming, like other agricultural sectors, is experiencing a transformative shift towards data-driven scouting. This approach harnesses the power of technology and data analysis to optimize various aspects of flower cultivation.

Remote Sensing and Imaging: A Bird’s Eye View
Key to data-driven scouting in flower farming is the use of advanced technologies, including drones and satellites, which provide high-resolution images of flower fields. This real-time imagery enables farmers to closely monitor crop health, detect diseases, and assess overall plant condition. The result? Timelier, more accurate decisions in the field.

Pest and Disease Management: Targeted Solutions
Effective pest and disease management is paramount in flower farming. Data-driven scouting empowers farmers to collect data on the presence and severity of these threats. Armed with this information, they can implement precise, targeted interventions, reducing the need for broad-spectrum chemical treatments and minimizing the environmental impact.

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