Mr. Parit Shah

The three R’s are a natural fit. We need to find the carbon footprint of what we are doing. This is the question where sustainability comes in, what is the environmental impact? Today’s market place; the millennials and the generation coming after, choose products based on their impact on the ecosystem. People purchasing today are using different parameters, whether you like it or not. “If you can identity and differentiate, your product from the guy next to you , as environmentally safe and ethically grown as well as meeting all other requirements for sustainability, then you’ll have a better leg to stand on,” Parit emphasized.

A lot of Carbon emissions is packaged per every kilo of flowers every year. This is where Kenya should put efforts to differentiate products and make them more competitive.

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“Climate plants and resource-saving production took centre stage”.

“The joy that IPM ESSEN could finally take place again could be felt in every hall and at every stand”, Oliver P. Kuhrt, CEO of Messe Essen, sums up. The reunion of the green sector turned out to be more international than expected. Over 40,000 trade visitors from more than 100 countries came to Messe Essen to exchange information and to place orders. There was a wide range of products: 1,330 companies from 46 nations presented their innovations and new products in the fields of plants, technology, floristry and garden features from 24 to 27 January. Climate plants, environmentally friendly packaging and peat alternatives were particularly on trend.

“The importance of IPM ESSEN for the global green industry remains high even after the pandemic. The internationality of the trade audience is close to the 2020 level. In view of the dynamic market situation of the last few years and the travel restrictions that are still noticeable, this is a great result”, continues the tradeshow CEO Kuhrt. The proportion of trade visitors from abroad was 33 percent (2020: 40). At 66 per cent, the proportion of exhibiting companies from abroad was even four percentage points higher than in 2020. Eva Kähler-Theuerkauf, President of the North Rhine- Westphalia Horticultural Association and Chairwoman of the IPM Advisory Board added: “IPM ESSEN 2023 was a complete success. It was good to meet again in our gardening family. The fair also met with great interest internationally. Anyone who was there neither as an exhibitor nor as a visitor definitely missed out a lot.”

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Leaf yellowing is symptomatic of a variety of problems, most of which can be pigeon-holed into four main categories that is, enviromechanical problems, nutrient deficiencies, pest damage, and disease damage. Its one of the symptoms that can be noted whenever a plant lacks or have had too much of something as it grows. When for example there is excessive fertilizer, irrigation, chemicals and nutrients the leaf tissues turn yellow whereby growth may become stunted. Other symptoms that go together with yellowing include reduced growth, scorched margins, fall of leaves and failure of blooms to open completely.

Enviro- Mechanical Problems
Heat Stress: This problem is brought about by Heat Stress where it is frequently noticed after wet and relatively cool weather, especially when the transition from spring to summer temperatures is sudden. Exposure of this new growth to direct sun can cause scorching of leaf.

This can be treated by applying anti-transpirants/anti-desiccants. Plant roses where they will receive protection from the hot sun and Mulch heavily around root zones to stabilize soil and near-surface air temperatures.

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The modern crop protection market not only makes big demands of active substances and their formulation: It also presents significant challenges in items of packaging design. The materials that are used must protect the product from the effects of external factors; but at the same time, they must also protect the user, and the environment, from the product itself. Floriculture Magazine spoke to an expert.

What are the challenges that packaging for crop protection must meet?
Crop protection products are used seasonally, so they must sometimes be stored for prolonged periods, and the packaging material must not change during this time. On the one hand, it must protect the environment and the user from the crop protection product, so it is essential that there are no leaks (for example of solvents). On the other hand, the crop protection product must retain its quality over long periods of storage, in spite of the various environmental factors that could degrade it, such as light, temperature and moisture.

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Adjust the pH, the elements and the EC to avoid growth inhibition!

Do you adjust the elements in your well water and do you have a pH regulating system? With a good pH you will get a greener crop and 10-20% more growth.

Q. Which elements are useful in well/surface water?
A. These are; calcium, magnesium, sulphate and the micro elements. These elements are deducted from the feeding solution. For this reason some growers do not have to add calcium nitrate because the well water contains so much calcium.

Q Which salts are NOT useful?
A. These are sodium, chlorine and high amounts of sulphate. Above 1.5-3.0 mmol/l (40-100 ppm) growth inhibition can occur. Iron, manganese and boron can be high. Check if the amount is below the normal feeding solution concentration. High boron can cause leaf edges.

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Greenhouse engineering is an important carrier for the development of facility agriculture, as well as a “workshop” or workshop for the development of industrialization, intelligence and digitalization of agriculture. In the past 20 years, the development of greenhouse engineering from low to high level, from a single space to a comprehensive decoration, configuration, from simple to multi-functional power, from labour-intensive to machine generation, automatic control as the characteristics of technology-intensive, and so on, experienced a continuous development, continuous breakthrough, continuous improvement, keep pace with The Times, and the development of modern agriculture both adapt to each other and promote the process.

Facility agriculture, represented by greenhouse engineering, has gradually become a new symbol of the development of modern agriculture, a new demonstration of agricultural high-tech agglomeration and a new benchmark for comprehensively improving labour productivity, land yield and overall benefit. The continuous promotion of industrial poverty alleviation and the effective connection of rural revitalization have promoted the rapid development of greenhouse project construction, which has shown several obvious trends of transformation and development at present:

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FSI members including flower producers, traders, and retailers gathered at IPM Essen for the General Assembly of 2023. To reflect on the Floriculture Sustainability Initiative’s 2022 achievements and actions to take towards a ‘responsible and transparent supply chain’. Besides the annual measurement of Responsibly Produced & Traded volumes, the members will start measuring and reporting on Carbon Footprinting and Living Wage. The year started off with a concrete action taken by the members: the FSI Code of Conduct was presented and adopted during the General Assembly. Members will embed this Code of Conduct in their policies and communicate it to their supply chain partners.

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Cut flower exporters in the country have raised concerns over increased water charges and payroll costs that have raised the cost of doing business, eroding their competitiveness.

The exporters say the increasing taxes and charges, logistical difficulties and additional operational costs have drained gains they would accrue from high sales after exporting to outside markets owing to the strengthening of the dollar against the Kenyan shilling.

Their main complaint is a recent increase in water charges from Sh0.5 to between Sh2 and Sh6 for irrigation and commercial use and an increase in National Social Security Fund (NSSF) contributions from Sh200 up to Sh1,080 on the employers’ side. This increase, therefore, compounds the existing situation in the sub-sector. And energy cost is expected to increase soon.

The council laments that factors including high freight charges and many taxes on the sector last year saw Kenya’s flower exports drop by 15,000 tonnes, from the 210,000 tonnes exported in 2021.

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Reviewing 2022, there were several themes that emerged in the business world. This article highlights six top stories in the fresh produce sector in Kenya that made a significant impact on how the sector will perform and grow in 2023.

1. Kenya’s fresh avocado exports allowed into China.
In 2021, China identified agricultural imports from Africa as one of the areas for trade growth. To mark this, in 2022, President Xi Jinping promised to import US$300bn of African agricultural produce by 2025. Till 2019, China had locked out the fresh produce from Kenya due to the prevalence of fruit flies locally. However, following the successful completion of a rigorous Pest Risk Analysis by the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate, (KEPHIS) and the National Plant Protection Organisation of China (NPPO), the parties identified quarantine pests of concern to China, and found systems of control before export.

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Daren Tang, Director General of the
World Intellectual Propert Organization

Human genius is the source of all works of art and invention. These works are the guarantee of a life worthy of men. It is the duty of the state to ensure with diligence the protection of the arts and inventions.’

These words are inscribed in the entrance hall of the headquarters of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Geneva, Switzerland.

Despite this impressive statement, the world’s breeders of ornamental plant and fruit tree varieties face the frequent infringement of their rights. These breeders are not enjoying sufficient protection of their “inventions,” as the state is not fulfilling its duty to prevent the violation of plant breeders’ rights.

Why should breeders invest this kind of money for the protection of their varieties?
Simply put, breeders need this protection to receive a return on their investment. But this is only possible if breeders have a real and effective protection of their varieties-not only protection on paper.

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