Specifically the Benefits are:
Improved Fertiliser Efficiency


When Humates/Humic Acids are combined with any fertiliser DAP, MAP, Urea, SOP, SOA, etc., then that fertiliser will become much more stable in the soil through the binding of the product to carbon. Leaching and lockups are virtually eliminated as the plant nutrients are held in the soil and made available to the plant roots upon demand thus increasing the protein and mineral contents of most crops.

In addition, these fertilisers will be absorbed and utilised much more effectively (30 to 50% improved uptake) in the presence of humates/humic acids. Humates buffer the soils against damage, which can be caused by acid fertiliser applications.

Long-Life Nitrogen
Applied nitrogen is notoriously unstable in the soil. Urea, for example, can deliver about 28% of its 48% nitrogen lode. When combined with Humates/Humic Acids however, ammonium and nitrate nitrogen (from urea) is stored on the humic colloid by the free radicals within the humic and becomes a very stable, slow releasing nitrogen source.

All 46 units are retained and the released pattern is extended up to 60/80 days thus allowing 10-40% less nitrogen to be used. Humates/Humic controls the loss of humus which can be caused through the nitrification of nitrogen (Urea) by nitrifying bacteria.

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As the COVID-19 pandemic ravaged every industry and all walks of life, the international cut flower trade showed remarkable resilience and, at some point, unexpected outcomes.

During that period, both importers and exporters faced incredible challenges: the lockdowns imposed by governments in the majority of countries restricted staff from working and made sourcing supplies difficult; transporting flowers to shipping and distribution points became almost impossible; airfreight diminished and prices rocketed; expansion plans and innovative projects were put on hold. And yet, flower demand remained stable and even increased, flower suppliers delivered, and the industry has remained healthy in general terms. As the world slowly reopens and activity resumes worldwide, we analyse lessons learned and emerging trends.

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Water – The Defining Crisis of the TwentyFirst Century’

“Oil we can replace. Water we can’t – which is why this book is both so ominous and so important.” (Bill McKibben, author of The End of Nature)

Throughout history, rivers have been our foremost source of fresh water both for agriculture and for individual consumption, but now economists say that by 2025 water scarcity will cut global food production by more than the current U.S. grain harvest.

In this ground-breaking book, veteran science correspondent Fred Pearce focuses on the dire state of the world’s rivers to provide our most complete portrait yet of the growing world water crisis and its ramifications for us all.

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Mr. Parit Shah, Managing Director, Silpack

The Assignment
In September 2020, Silpack joined a group of pioneers who were tasked with transport of flowers by sea from Kenya to its main markets in Europe in an efficient and commercially viable manner.

In particular, Silpack was assigned to develop and manufacture suitable packaging for this exercise.

Why Silpack?
Silpack Industries Ltd, has been at the forefront of packaging development for flower transport in the last ten years, having developed an innovation center in Nairobi which is supported by its technical partners based in Sweden and the US.

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Mealybugs are insects in the family Pseudococcidae and they are found in moist, warm habitat. Many of the common species are in the Pseudococcus and Planococcus genera.

Mealybugs damage plants with their toxic saliva, causing leaves to drop, inhibiting plant growth particularly of new shoots and creating yellow spots. Mealybugs can be difficult to treat because they hide in crevices where stems meet leaves and can reach damaging population levels rather quickly.

Life cycle
The life history of mealybugs varies depending on species. Their development progresses from egg to nymph, to adult. The Females may lay up to 600 eggs that are small, yellow and are a covered by a cottony mass. The long tailed mealy bugs don’t lay eggs but bear live young ones.

The female nymphs pass through three instars with a generation taking as little as one month depending on temperature. The female adults die shortly after laying all the eggs.

The Male nymphs pass through five instars. They don’t feed after the first two instars and their sole purpose is fertilizing the females.

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It has been a decade of blossom for Molo River Roses Ltd since inception, and a beautiful milestone that seemed a hurdle during its establishment.
By Mary Mwende Mbithi

Paula Koros, Molo River Roses GM

When a seed is planted, the sprouts exult the sower; the new shoots are his source of inspiration to nurturing the new plant to maturity until it brings forth good fruit. Thus, the farmer has every reason to celebrate his bumper crop. Similarly, achievements are a call for celebration. After years of toiling like a Trojan and working one’s fingers to the bone, success is the ultimate crown that underscores the results. It may take a long or a short duration but regardless of time, success is success. The wise man said ‘hurry, hurry has no blessings,’ but went on to say; ‘slowly but surely, the bird builds its nest.’ Before we could even rethink, he added that; ‘both the fast and the slow will meet each other on the ferry boat.’ In other words, success does not come with a timestamp. After years of toil and moil, it’s now ten years of success for Molo River Roses Ltd! “It has been a decade of blossom for Molo River Roses Ltd since inception, and a beautiful milestone that seemed a hurdle during its establishment. Eventually, it has birthed a success story- the story of a mega lodestar, a prestigious flower farm in Kenya -Molo River Roses Ltd, ” an elated Mr. Andrew Wambua, the Group General Manager said.

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Mr. Clement Tulezi, KFC, CEO

Over the last years, the Kenyan flower industry has grown rapidly. It is currently on of the country’s top industry after remittance and tourism and Kenya Flower Council’s (KFC) CEO Clement Tulezi believes the industry too can surpass tea in the next few years. However, there are several challenges, like freight capacity and rate, Kenya’s taxation regime and the EU-tightened plant health regulations, the industry needs to overcome. The team of KFC is doing their utmost best to enable the industry to do so, engaging with all involving relevant actors for new and improved solutions and alternatives.

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Exhibitors Follow opening speech keenly

The 1979 film ‘Being There’, is the only screen performance for which actor Peter Sellers won an Oscar. Seller portrays a simple minded gardener turned from a sheltered existence into the harsh realities of life. Through a series of mishaps and misunderstandings, the gardener became a highly respected policy adviser to the president of United States.

The thinking on which the character builds his reputation and gains recognition as an authority is the simple philosophy that politics and business are very much like a garden-find or make the right sort of soil, plant it well, nurture it, feed it, and it will reward you well by providing for you year upon year.

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IFTEX provides opportunities to engage with current and prospective buyers. It doesn’t matter whether you’re marketing a product or selling your new variety, an in-person presentation and short question based conversation afterwards can help you to close the deal quickly versus an email sharing the latest sales promo.

Mr. Dick Van Raamsdonk., IFTEX President

IFTEX has traditionally been a very popular exhibition to market your products, services and business. With advances in social media marketing and Internet technology, like webinars, Google hangouts and video conferencing, the value and benefits of marketing via trade fair comes up. Though technology is changing marketing at a rapid pace, there are several benefits from having exhibit presence at a trade show.

These six key benefits are why your business must have IFTEX Exhibition marketing presence:
1. IFTEX Creates Lasting Impressions If Done Right
The main purpose of IFTEX is to showcase a wide variety of options for attendees and business to engage and interact with each other. With a well-designed trade show booth that draws attendees’ attention, a few promotional items, a contest opportunity with giveaways and sales collateral, you will have a well-rounded booth experience that leaves an impression with a prospective customer for months. Consider having attendees enter a drawing by submitting a business card or completing an action on social media. These types of promotions serve dual purposes: increasing engagement and capturing potential contact information as well.

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