I clearly remember the advice given to me when I was toying with the idea of becoming a scribe. “Don’t take up journalism as your career if your sole aim of life is to make money. In scribing you only earn a name but not money,” my mentor told me. He Quoted Somerset Maughan and said, “Money is the sixth sense without which we cannot enjoy the other five to the full! Even allowing for the sort of ostentatious life, anything in excess is just adding zeros to one’s bank balance and gloating over bloated bank statements every month.
And not him alone but even the country’s education system took me far from scribing. And the gods of the highest education ensured I land into UON ( University of Nowhere) to format me into a tax collector. My own father supported them and cursed the gods’ of scribes quoting Jesus, he said. “Woe unto you scribes……………
After a year of locking myself in a room to cook figures, I sneaked into one of the late Wahome Mutahi’s (My Mentor) comedy shows and our worlds met again and this time he ensured I turned into a scribe.