Six Key Benefits IFTEX Show Has to Market Your Business

IFTEX has traditionally been a very popular exhibition to market your products, services and business. With advances in social media marketing and Internet technology, like webinars, Google hangouts and video conferencing, the value and benefits of marketing via trade fair comes up. Though technology is changing marketing at a rapid pace, there are several benefits from having exhibit presence at a trade show. These six key benefits are why your business must have IFTEX Exhibition marketing presence:

1.IFTEX Creates Lasting Impressions If Done Right
The main purpose of IFTEX is to showcase a wide variety of options for attendees and business to engage and interact with each other. With a well-designed trade show booth that draws attendees’ attention, a few promotional items, a contest opportunity with giveaways and sales collateral, you will have a well-rounded booth experience that leaves an impression with a prospective customer for months. Consider having attendees enter a drawing by submitting a business card or completing an action on social media. These types of promotions serve dual purposes: increasing engagement and capturing potential contact information as well.


2. IFTEX is Incredible Face-To-Face Marketing Event
When it comes to influencing a decision, nothing can compete with face-to-face interaction. IFTEX provides opportunities to engage with current buyers and prospective. It doesn’t matter whether you’re marketing a product or selling your new variety, an in-person presentation and short question based conversation afterwards can help you to close the deal quickly versus an email sharing the latest sales promo. This makes pre-IFTEX planning key to your success. If you’ve got an employee who is a natural at “turning on the charm” or one who is great at relationship selling, should be a no brainer on them being a part of the sales team. The cost of bringing them to IFTEX show event could pay for itself within hours of the show starting.

3. IFTEX Lead Generation Potential
When it comes to benefits, this is one of the biggest. IFTEX has massive followings and attendance. Each attendee of IFTEX is a potential lead waiting to be captured. Having QR codes linked to social media accounts or lead generation pages, asking for contact information during a presentation and getting their business cards are all great ways to get fresh leads in your sales pipeline. Make it clear to them that you’ll be contacting them after the show. Make sure to follow up with the candidates most likely to buy while the event is still fresh in their mind.

4. IFTEX Target Audiences Result In Direct Sales Opportunities
IFTEX has a specific market or niche it focuses on. By exhibiting at IFTEX, the odds are very high that you’ll have exposure to an audience that is likely to have an interest in your product or services and are ready to buy. ALWAYS have something to showcase at IFTEX. It doesn’t matter if you only bring your old varieties or the newest, the opportunity to generate sales shouldn’t be lost because you didn’t have something. Don’t miss out on that sale!

5. IFTEX is Cost-Effective Networking and Advertising
Designing the trade show booth, renting space on the trade show floor, traveling to the show and from the show, paying for lodging and meals can seem like a steepprice tag for a single marketing event. If you’ve done the pre-show marketing work leading up to the show, the potential that IFTEX offers your business can far exceed the investment.

Though you might have a larger initial investment to showcase your business at IFTEX than other advertising or networking methods, the cost to convert a prospect into a sale is often much lower than other alternatives. With proper research and planning, IFTEX is one of the most cost-effective sources of leads and sales possible.

6. IFTEX Level The Marketing Field
One of my favorite benefits to IFTEX is the low cost barrier to get involved. From locally owned small scale growers to multinational growers, everyone has access to the same attendees at IFTEX. It’s almost as simple as paying for your exhibit location space, designing your trade show display booth, promoting your business leading up to IFTEX and interacting with the audience during the show. Even a relatively unknown grower can generate large numbers of sales and leads through IFTEX. Certainly this is possible via other marketing channels, but few are as easy to execute as IFTEX can be.

IFTEX offers big benefits to businesses of any size. By combining exposure to a large number of potential leads with the ability to interact personally, IFTEX offers an experience that other forms of marketing cannot.