Understanding The World ofPesticides

Mr. Eric Kimunguyi

Pesticides are one of the most regulated products globally and the same is true in Kenya. aaK GROW is committed to ensuring that the highest quality pest control products are availed to end users by complying with the stringent safety and labelling requirements prescribed by the Pest Control Products Act. They go a step further to provide information to end users on how to handle and apply the pesticides through our various outreach programmes which have over the years reached over 2 million farmers.

In order to enhance food safety, aaK GROW is working closely with development partners to stockists and farmers on handling and application of pesticide.

The advantage of these training is ensuring safety of farmers, consumers and the environment. In addition, the principals of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) are being cascaded to farmers through the incorporation of scouting and monitoring for enhanced pest and disease identification.

If determined to be necessary or when no other option is available, the correct dosage rate of pest control products is applied using properly maintained and calibrated equipment by the farmers who are equipped with the requisite protective clothing. Pre-Harvest Intervals can also be closely monitored before harvesting and sale of fresh fruits and vegetables.