Bayer Cropscience Launches Luna Tranquility

If You Love Life You Will Love Luna

After climbing one great hill, one only realizes that there are many more mountans to climb. This old adage attributed to one of African great rings true in agrochemicals. The past few decades have seen the rise and spread of different diseases in greenhouse farming. One man has seen it all, Mr. Anthony Songoro, Crop Manager, Floriculture and Industrial Crops Bayer Crop Science a trained horticulturalist with both agrochemical and production experiences. Before joining Bayer Crop Science two years ago, he was a grower for seven years. Mr. Songoro prides himself with a wealth of experience in biologicals. To many he is a guru in the flower industry. Recently, Floriculture Magazine caught up with him after giving the key presentation in Luna Tranquility Launch and in a relaxed atmosphere, he gave an interesting interview, Excerpts.



Quality is never by accident; it is a result of high intension, sincere efforts, intelligent direction and skillful execution. It represents the wise choice of many alternatives, so why do you believe Luna tranquility should be that choice?


What you have seen today is all teamwork.It was executed by a team of professionals, skillful, competent and experienced who left memorable ideas, images and stories on Luna tranquility. Definite more understanding triumphed over information. It was a unique and pleasant spectacular on why Luna tranquility?


Luna tranquility is the climax of over 10 years research commitment in striving to satisfy growers by providing an outstanding new fungicide whose unparallled efficacy on powdery mildew and botrytis leads to improved produce quality, longer vaselife, outstanding disease control and increased marketability. This will be backed by an effective and efficient after sales technical services to walk the talk with our customers.


What is Luna Tranquility?

Luna Tranquility is a WHO class III, broad spectrum foliar fungicide for control of Powdery mildew and Botrytis, two major diseases of flowers. The active ingredients of Luna Tranquility is a combination of Fluopyram 125g/l + Pyrimethanil 375g/l which offers unparalleled protection and control of in the field powdery mildew and botrytis and post-harvest control of botrytis.


Why do growers need Luna Tranquility?

Flower growers need innovations to manage resistance issuesdue to misuse of existing molecules in powdery and botrytis management that have started exhibiting creaping resistance.


A Crop treated with Luna Tranquility has less disease pressure and a healthy and disease-free crop throughout its life will deliver higher yields and better quality enhancing flowers income and conferring to the flowers longer vase life.


A flower harvested at the right mature cut stage, is more sensitive to damage from weather, insects and in particular from botrytis. With Luna you have better control of pre and post-harvest botrytis.


Full maturity and high yields are the most attractive attributes of fresh produce to the flower chain.


Clean and healthy crops at harvest time are the key to growers’ success.


We all love open, fresh and good-looking flowers all year round an attribute Luna confers to your flowers.


What are the unique features that make Luna Tranquility such a promise to growers?

Luna has unique properties:

Protects leaves and petals: Majority of active substance is on the surface for up to five days thereby protecting new infection


Continuous penetration: Small effective amounts of fungicide continue to penetrate the leaves over time thereby ensuring long curative activity.


Acropetal (upward) systemicity: Redistribution of the active into leaves by xylem ensures the young growing points that are most susceptible and covered from the disease.

Translaminar efficacy: Protection of non-treated surfaces ensuring points not sprayed are controlled by the trans laminar action.


Reduced no of sprays in wet season is something growers desire. How does Luna help in the achievement of this.

To start with a full luna spray ensures control of Powdery mildew, stem and petal botrytis. The other major problem during this period is downy mildew. Luna when tank mixed with Verita, Melody duo, or Infinito shows no antagonism and ensures all the three major fungal diseases are controlled with one cocktailed spray meaning in the high disease pressure period one can do a maximum of two fungicide sprays leaving the greenhouse more time to remaining dry and open to cultural disease control methords.


What is the effect of Luna Tranquility on beneficial pests?

According to IOBC classification Luna Tranquility is harmless to most beneficial insects in flowers. These include Phytoseilius Persimilis, Amblyseius swirskii, Encasia fomosa, Trichogramma petiosum, Aphidius colemani among others.



Bayer Crop Science have not only succeeded in erecting an excellent business symbol in their local clientele but have done further to win trust among them. This was better portrayed by the hundreds who attended their lung tranquility launch.


Believably, they were not disappointed. It was a “must attend” occasion. Beside the pomp, colour and bounce the whole organization was a wholesome package of excellence. All efforts were channeled into ensuring a brief, crisp, penetrating, perceptible and above all, a creative insight into the minds of growers.