Environment: NEMA Seeks Investors for Biodegradable Garbage Bags

 Mamo Boru Mamo, EBS-Director General, NEMA

The National Environment Management Authority is in the process of engaging investors to come up with biodegradable garbage bags for organic waste collection. Nema director general Mamo Mamo revealed recently, “Any plastic can be biodegradable but they are not compostable,” Mamo said, adding that the ideal garbage bag should be starch-based so that it decomposes within months or weeks.

Mamo said more than 10 investors have expressed interest in manufacturing the ideal bag mostly from outside the country. He said the firms will be vetted, adding that the Kenya Bureau of Standards is involved in the exercise. “We are asking the industry to innovate and come up with suitable alternatives.” Mamo said with UNEP being based in the country, Kenya seeks to lead in terms of sustainable waste management.

The Director General said the country should have an ideal garbage bag in the next one to two months. Already, Nema has announced that it is illegal to use conventional plastic bags or bin liners to collect organic waste. This follows the expiry of 90 days issued by the authority. Nema said there is a need to transition to using biodegradable garbage bags for organic waste collection.

On April 8, the authority issued a public notice directing that all organic waste generated by households and all public and private institutions, be segregated and placed in 100 per cent biodegradable garbage bags or bin liners. “The waste collected shall be collected separately and transported to a designated material recovery facility for further processing,” Mamo said in a notice.“All county governments and private waste service providers licensed by Nema are required to provide to their clients the 100 per cent biodegradable garbage bags/bins liners only.”

Nema is riding on the momentum gained by the 2017 ban on the manufacture, importation and use of plastic carrier bags and flat bags used for commercial and household packaging.This ban, which initially disrupted both commercial and household packaging, eventually led to the emergence of a new value chain. Retailers have since adapted by offering reusable bags as an alternative, transforming the market and reducing plastic waste.

The Sustainable Waste Management Act 2022 is seeking to transition the country from a linear to a circular economy. The law was enacted on July 6, 2022. It has provisions that seek to promote sustainable waste management and improve the health of Kenyans. This is done by ensuring a clean and healthy environment. Under the circular economy concept, resources are reused and recycled to minimise waste and maximise efficiency. Following the ban on plastics, the state introduced harsh measures to protect the environment and the health of citizens.

Today, being found in possession of such plastics attracts a fine of Sh2 million to Sh4 million and a jail term of one to two years, or both. Before 2017, about 100 million non-biodegradable plastic bags were used in Kenyan supermarkets every year.

On June 5, 2019, Kenya banned single-use plastics on beaches, national parks, forests and conservation areas. The ban prohibits visitors from carrying single-use plastic water bottles, disposable cups, plates, cutlery and straws into national parks, forests, beaches and conservation areas.

Section 12 of the Sustainable Waste Management Act, 2022 says all public and private sector entities shall segregate non-hazardous waste into organic and non-organic fractions.
The segregated waste must be placed in properly labelled and colour-coded receptacles, bins, containers and bags.

“All waste service providers shall collect, handle and transport segregated waste as provided for under this Act. Hazardous waste will be handled and managed as prescribed by the Environmental Management and Coordination Act, 1999 and any other relevant written law,” the Act says.
It warns that a waste service provider who contravenes the provisions of this section, commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding Sh50,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or both.

Nema says there are 14,959 waste transporters registered by the authority. A person who does not manage waste by the Act commits an offence and will upon conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding Sh20,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or both.

Segregating wastes makes sorting, recycling, reusing and reducing waste easier. Much less goes into landfills. Under the new plan, five per cent of the waste will be incinerated, 30 per cent recycled and 60 per cent turned into manure. Only five per cent will go to landfills.

It has also introduced a concept known as extended producer responsibility that mandates companies to be responsible for polluting the environment. The concept holds producers of goods responsible for polluting the environment.

This is a departure from the past when members of the public were solely held responsible for littering. Globally, efforts are underway to have in place an internationally legally binding agreement on plastics by 2024.

New Colour Coding Scheme Unveiled

Recently, the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) rolled out a National Colour Coding Scheme for Waste Segregation, aiming to revolutionize waste

management practices across Kenya. This initiative represents a crucial development in Kenya’s environmental policy, addressing long-standing issues of waste management and aiming to set a new standard in waste disposal practices.

The move is in line with Section 12 of the Sustainable Waste Management Act, which requires the Cabinet Secretary in consultation with the Authority and the County Governments to Gazette the National Color Coding system for waste management.

Overview of the Colour Coding System
Under the new framework, waste segregation has been streamlined into three distinct categories, each represented by a specific color. This approach is designed to enhance the efficiency of waste processing and encourage more responsible disposal practices among the public and private sectors.

Black for General Waste

Green for Organic Waste

Blue for Recyclable Waste

This proactive initiatives by NEMA mark a significant milestone in Kenya’s environmental management efforts, offering a blueprint for sustainable practices that can be mirrored worldwide. As the scheme unfolds, its implementation will be closely watched by environmental advocates and policymakers globally, serving as a testbed for similar adaptations in other nations.