Molo River Farm Ltd A Wholesome Package of Excellence

“Molo River Farm Ltd are making magic. In other word, they exist for the sake of simplicity. They channel their efforts into taking all the worries over farming and exporting of flowers from their customers, leaving them to concentrate on their core activities in other areas. Their contributions to the flower export business are brief, crisp, penetrating, perceptible, and above all creative insight into the minds of the consumers. Memorable ideas, images and stories, where there is more understanding triumph over information”, I concluded as Mr. Andrew Wambua took me round the farm. In his narration from one department to the other, one statement kept on recurring: No compromising of quality whatsoever.


Having a head over your competitors be it on racing tracks or in market draws margin between success and failure. In the flower export sector, product quality dictates whether or not the firm’s product will outshine those of competitor(s). With mushrooming of flower firms specializing in the same line of products, and consumers having become particular of where they source their products, quality is an important criteria for success in the markets.

Nakuru based Molo River Farm Ltd., the youngest exporter of flowers in the region is no exception as they sit back and audit their first one year. “Our objective is to achieve the highest standards of Good Agricultural Produce (GAP), touching on environment conservation, reduced use of agrochemicals, improved efficiency in natural resources use, conserving existing habitats and to ensure continual responsibility with regard to health, safety and welfare of workers”, said Mr. Andrew Wambua, the General Manager when he took the Floriculture team round the farm. The objective of Molo River Farm Ltd is directing towards an assessment of the impact their daily operations has to their customers, employees, environment, society and suppliers.

The success of Molo River Farm Ltd mushrooms from the infrastructure that has been established and nurtured by the directors in the past one year. When they decided to invest in an area with no other farm around, their friends and foes expected little of it alike.

Some might have dismissed them but its quality production has not only won faith and trust to his customers’ abroad but has seen it emerge as one of the most promising farms today. In recognition of human resources as the greatest assets in any organization, they invested in a professional management to oversee the daily running in the farm. To start with they brought in Mr. Andrew Wambua an old hand in growing. Thereafter they brought in Paula Koross. The duo showed a lot of faith on the locals whom they hired and trained. Little did they know that a year down the line, they will be basking in fame. The production team was supported by an experienced administration team that ensured all went on well.

Today, the farm has grown to a total of 12 hectares and many more awaiting constructions before the end of next year. The farm boasts of metallic green houses, an ultramodern grading hall and state of the art cold rooms. It has a mechanized and computerized irrigation system. The farm has embraced the newest flower transportation system which ensures quality of flowers is supreme. The Greenspan Sky Transport system is used to transport flowers from the greenhouses to the pack house. It has expanded to create job opportunities to hundreds directly and tens of thousands indirectly.The company has a developed an accountable policy covering environment, health, safety and staff welfare.

Internal set standards at Molo River Farm Ltd have set out overall responsibility including management, guidelines on GAPS, minimal use of pesticides and fertilizers, environment policy, social responsibility and staff welfare. To comply, the farm undertakes frequent internal audits in order to identify and document any risk assessment on regular basis and prepare a time bound action plan. The company also monitors the whole process to ensure targets are met while reversing the action plan in the light of changing circumstances in the dynamic industry.

The overall objective is to reduce the pesticide usage while at the same time ensuring responsible and safe use. This takes place within the guidelines set out in the company policy and statutory regulations.

Application of pesticides is determined by scouting and identification. Spot spraying with pesticides that are friendly to the environment as opposed to blanket spraying is practiced. Accurate and timely uses of remedial measures in crop protection reduce the impact to the environment. All scouts undergo an in house training to enable them identify all the diseases and pests found. Molo River Farm Ltd aims at minimal water wastage and better plant quality through the practice of water conservation techniques among them, the fully computerized irrigation system that ensures only the needed water is used. Recycling of water also ensures minimal soil erosion and contamination hence preservation of water catchments areas and environment conservation.

Human Resources
Molo River Farm Ltd values its employees and it is committed to continuous training and investment in personnel development. In addition, it has a package full of incentives. The employees are given house allowance, medical care and other welfare facilities. It has created jobs to hundreds of people directly and tens of thousands indirectly. Molo River Farm Ltd endeavors to provide a safe, hygienic and healthy working environment, adequate and appropriate protective clothing is provided. The staff working in the cold rooms and spraying have special outfits to suit their places of work. Upon engagement all sprayers undergo a cholesterol level test and regular others after hire. Sprayers are alternated regularly for health purposes.

Molo River Farm Ltd enjoys good relations with both the auctions and other direct customers. The management is yet to test other virgin markets in the Middle East and other parts of Europe.

However, due to the ongoing expansion, they have hosted a number of customers from Norway, Sweden and United kingdom.

Molo River Farm Ltd has not only succeeded in erecting an excellent business symbol in their clientele but have gone further to win trust among importers, all within their wholesome package of excellence.